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Beginning with "F"

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Joseph Frederick

Claire Feldman

Susan Duhs

Search For Classmates Starting With "F"
"Thanks to all on this page who have confirmed their addresses.
The following list will be updated as we confirm additional contact information."

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Passed On 
Last Name First Name Given Name
(First, Middle)
Married Name Photo Bio EMail
Then Now
Farmer Daniel Daniel, Stewart      
Faucett Sandy Sandy, L. Pechar      
Feia Kathy Katherine, P. Hills      
Feldman Claire Claire, Knowles      
Fischer Paul Paul, James  
Fish Joy Joy, Hammond      
Fleury Olga Olga, Brown
Ford Susan Susan, Jonelle Kronenberger      
Forstall Gary Gary, W.      
Fortner Dick Richard, Allen
Foster Dale Dale, Everette      
Frankenberg Susie Susan, Lynne      
Fraser Bob Robert, Dean    
Frazier Timothy Timothy, F.    
Frederick Brent Joseph, Brent      
Frenette Marcel Marcel,      
Frost Brent Brent, H.      
Fuller Fred Fred, T.    
Furty Eileen Eileen, Olga      
Gage Don Donald, C.  
Gaus Diana Diana, Lila Pike      
George Bobby Robert, William      
Gerrick Mike Mikal, L      
Gerritsen Christine Christine, Furlong      
Giachino Nickie Nickie, E. Malouf
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